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Källa: OECD, 2013 |
I artiklar i allt från the Guardian och Financial Times till Washington Post och NY Times finns OECD:s siffror med, även om tidningarna har olika vinklar tar de upp statistik och exempel på låg låg sysselsättningsgrad och ökad segregation. Ofta tillsammans med Husbybors egna berättelser om frustration över stenkastning och bränder men också om rasism och diskriminering. Och om hur de ser på sitt hemland och sin förort.
Reuters 23 maj: "Metros and trains out of Stockholm center late at night are full of exhausted-looking Arabic or Spanish speaking immigrants returning home from menial jobs. Even second generation immigrants struggle to find white collar employment. As one Asian diplomat puts it: "On the one hand Sweden has all these immigrants. On the other hand, where are they? It sometimes seems they are mostly selling hotdogs."
The Guardian 23 maj: "The reason is very simple. Unemployment, the housing situation, disrespect from police," said Rouzbeh Djalaie, editor of Norra Sidan newspaper. "It just takes something to start a riot, and that was the shooting."
The Observer 25 maj: Ali, the owner of Café Unic, a Persian cafe in Husby's main square, says he tried living in America but came back. "I love this country. I mean it," he says. "I'm telling my kids every day to remember that you are born here, in Sweden. I love this country because of the way they built it: because of my taxes, and other people's taxes, everyone has a nice place to live. It's a very, very nice and good idea."
Financial Times 23 maj: "My daughter comes home from school and says kids say they can't play with her because she's dark".
Från att 1995 haft den lägsta andelen fattiga, har vi halkat till 14:e plats. Fattiga hushåll har blivit fattigare. Här är rapporten.
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